Integration of Chinese branch office with Swiss headquarters

A Swiss natural resource trading house wanted to replace the current, unstable firewall-to-fiewall VPN connection between its locations in Switzerland and Asia with a more reliable solution.

In order to further improve performance in the Asian branch office, they also wanted to implement a local server infrastructure and give employees the ability to access company resources from outisde the office.

smart outcome's contribution

As a first step, smart outcome replaced the unstable  VPN connection with a stable provider SSL VPN connection. 

Secondly, we implemented a Windows server infrastructure with domain controller and file server to better support daily business. Data in the branch office was then regularly and automatically backed up and archived to the Swiss headquarters with Unitrends Backup Solution.

Finally, we set up a clientless VPN infrastructure using HOB's RD VPN which enabled all employees to connect to the company network securely via a webbrowser from outside the office.


  • Stable and reliable connection of both networks in Switzerland and Asia
  • Improved environment in the Asian branch office through local server infrastructure
  • Automatic backup and archiving of data in Asia to Switzerland
  • Access to company network in Asia via secure VPN connection

Employed technologies

  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Unitrends Backup Solution


Natural resource trading