Backup solution with offsite data replication

A customer in the natrual resource trading field wanted to increase realiability and data security within the organisation through a new backup solution. The goal was to first back up hardware and virtual servers locally, and then replicate the backup copies to an external data center.

smart outcome's contribution

In a detailed planning and analysis phase we first documented the exact requirements, and subsequently defined feasible solutions together with our client.

Finally, the decision was made to use smart outcome partner Unitrends' products. With Unitrends appliances we then implemented  backup and replication of data to an external data center provider. Appliance-to-appliance backups, as well as functions supporting archiving to external storage (e.g. NAS) were used during implementation.


  • Regular, scheduled backups at the customer's location
  • Periodic, automatic replication of backup copies to the offsite data center
  • Archiving of older backup data to NAS appliances at the external location

Employed technologies

  • Unitrends Backup appliances
  • Veeam Backup
  • Windows Server 2008 R2


Natural resource trading